Rice Pudding
Okay, so in lieu of writing an article about nuns in the Meiji period, I made rice pudding tonight. Not a success. I blame Rob Schneider. He was in a movie on broadcast tv tonight, in which he played a guy who somehow got reconstructed with animal parts. I can't tell you how much I appreciate not having cable. There's something about the magical combination of take-what-you-can-get programming plus bad reception that makes every crappy program a surprise.Anyway, while Rob Schneider was eating raw meat and leering at goats, I cooked 1/2 cup of arborio rice (short grain, very creamy, the rice used for risotto) and then simmered 2 cups of milk, 4 tablespoons of sugar, and 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Laughing uproariously at the antics on my screen ( I put my TV on the rolling cart that I use to hold my unused makeup, bandaids, nail polish, Q-tips, contact lens stuff, scrunchies from the '90s (they WILL come back in style) and little bags I use to hold all this stuff and rolled it into the hallway by my kitchen because god forbid I think while I cook -- soooo boring!), I stirred the rice and simmering milk for ages and ages, until it all condensed into a sticky sweet mush.
Yet -- yet! -- it was too sweet and quite soupy, plus it had that gummy whole-milk mouth-feel (too many years of drinking skim milk, no doubt). Maybe it will solidfy in the fridge and then I will dust it with cinnamon and eat it all by myself.
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